failure 174:
Requirement failed: {sched_setscheduler.22.01} Shall return the former scheduling policy
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-07-25_08-37-08/process_scheduler_scenario.utz (process_scheduler_scenario.utt), line 1796 |
occurence |
scenario |
process_scheduler_scenario |
specification function |
sched_setscheduler_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=23812,thr=b74d1700] |
parameter value |
PidT pid = 23812 |
parameter value |
IntT policy = 2 |
parameter value |
IntT * @former_policy = <0xbff90f10>ptr to 0 |
parameter value |
IntT * former_policy = <0xbff90f10>ptr to 1 |
parameter value |
ShedParam * @param = struct ShedParam { sched_priority=99, sched_ss_low_priority=0, sched_ss_repl_period=struct TimeSpecT { sec=4, nsec=2 }, sched_ss_init_budget=struct TimeSpecT { sec=4, nsec=2 }, sched_ss_max_repl=1 } |
parameter value |
ShedParam * param = struct ShedParam { sched_priority=99, sched_ss_low_priority=0, sched_ss_repl_period=struct TimeSpecT { sec=4, nsec=2 }, sched_ss_init_budget=struct TimeSpecT { sec=4, nsec=2 }, sched_ss_max_repl=1 } |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * @errno = EOK |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * errno = EOK |
return value |
(IntT) 0 |
coverage & branch |
pseudo_coverage The only branch |
properties |
REQ failed |
sched_setscheduler.22.01 |
kind |
similar known bug(s)
The sched_setscheduler() function shall set the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters of the
specified process. According to LSB, upon successful completion, the function shall return the former
scheduling policy of the specified process.
But it always returns 0 on the target machine.
Additional information about this bug may be found at